
7 Tips To Help Keep Up With Your Bridal Workout Routine

It’s the day after your wedding date is fixed and you are all set to plan out your wellness and beauty routine. You are so pumped and you set some intense goals for yourself. And with time, the intensity becomes difficult to keep up with. Come on girl! You are a bride now, each day matters. Don’t be the biggest threat to your bridal routine. 

Let’s make this plan work out – together! Here are 7 tips to follow while you are on your workout regime to make sure this one doesn’t bite the dust (if possible, never!): 

#1 Do it first thing in the morning:

Trust us, it will pay off. Try to workout as soon as you wake up because evening plans change all the time. You planned on getting off from work at 6 PM but you are stuck till 7:30 and 1 hour HIIT session turns into a quick 15-minute walk at the park. Things change quickly but your workout routine shouldn’t. If you are an early bird, this can be tough. But you are getting out of your comfort zone, great – because that’s when real change happens. 

#2 Put it on your schedule:

You’ve scheduled meetings with all the vendors, you have scheduled your salon session and you schedule your important meetings – then why not schedule your workouts. Put on your ‘wedding vibes’ phone cover, schedule your gym sessions & build the zeal that yes, you have to workout as per the plan. Consistency is the key! It’s always the key. 

#3 Be realistic:

It’s easy to have unrealistic expectations – (a big cheers to social media for that). Remember, most of those brazilian butts and chiseled arms are a product of photoshop too. Moreover, everyone has a different body type so their problem areas could be different than yours. It’s important to set feasible goals based on your body type and schedule, this will also ensure that you are consistent with your routine.  

Also Read: 5 Reasons Why Boxing Is The Ultimate Workout For All Brides-To-Be

#4 Ditch your all or nothing attitude:

A pretty common element in almost all of us. You have planned to workout from 6-7 AM but you dozed off till 6:30 and it’s like alright! we will continue it tomorrow then. No! Do it today. Even if it’s a 10 minute workout session. It’s better than zero at least. 

#5 Look into your diet too:

Diet is an important part of your workout. You will not reach your goals if you are eating a brownie as a cheat meal almost every day. You should have a reward system in place though. Follow the 80-20 rule – so 80% healthy and 20% cheat meals. It’s the best way to make sure that you are not pushing yourself to any extreme. 

#6 Remind yourself why you started:

Let’s face it, there are some days you just don’t want to work out. Mostly because you forgot what the initial motivation was and the wedstress has taken a toll on your mental energy. On days like these, tell yourself I will go to the gym for only a 10-minute session. And trust us, once those 10-minutes are done, you will want to do more! Sometimes, just showing up matters. 

#7 Don’t compare:

It’s easy to put yourself in the comparison bubble when you go to the gym and see a girl do 50 kg deadlifts. You can easily feel jealous, intimidated and discouraged. But you never know how hard she has worked to get there plus everyone’s fitness levels are different. So, you need to shift your mind to realise that everyone is working towards their own fitness goals and you have one too – focus on that!

Further Read: #BridalWorkout: Killer Thigh Exercises To Lose Fat In 2 Weeks

Remember that you are aiming for steady and sustainable results, so stay calm and focused. It’s important to follow a schedule that you are able to maintain after you are married too. Otherwise, you will come back to square one in no time.

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